Some of you have questions about the contract switch. The current contract’s purpose was for the distribution of the winnings for our CPOO giveaways and partnerships. The new contract is the one that gets launched on Pancakeswap, will have a huge liquidity pool, and that people can trade.
Q) What happens to my old CPOO?
A) They will remain in your wallet. Nothing needs to be done. You can remove the old token if you would like.
Q) What do I need to do to receive my new CPOO?
A) Nothing. Add the new contract address to your wallet. The token will be airdropped to you right after the presale.
Q) How do I buy presale CPOO?
-Load your wallet with BNB on Binance-Smart-Chain
-Wait for presale to happen (4pm EST June 30th) (Countdown on website)
-Use the Presale-Link (will be provided)
-Connect Wallet
Detailed Tokenomics and FAQ:
More about Presale: